WFBA Membership Benefits

"What value does the WFBA bring to me, a member?"

Code Issues: A significant benefit of a WFBA member ship is the strength of all is members to speak with one voice for the industry.
Builder Tour: Membership entitles you to discounted registration at all WFBA events. During the annual tour, we visit building designs that use the latest designs and engineering along with manufactures of products used in the Post Frame Industry.

Dealer Display: Supplier members have an opportunity to display new products available to the industry.

Builder Conference: An opportunity to hear from industry leaders on the latest topics impacting the industry. Such topics include, code issues, engineering, testing, business and building solutions and other topics brought forward by the membership.

Web Site: The web site is one of the newest tools to be developed to assist its members. On the site, WFBA member's names are listed with a calendar of events. In addition it provides an easy way for members and the public to contact you.

University Research: With the support of the WFBA, UW-Madison College of Agricultural Life Sciences continues to conduct research that benefits the post frame industry and its Wisconsin members.

Logo: Promote your company/self as a WFBA member on your business cards, signs, letterhead, clothing and more. The logo and it code of construction and business ethics can only be used and promoted by WFBA members.

National Affairs: As an association, we can assist members not only at the state level, but we can branch out to the national level for support. With a unified voice, we can better get the attention of the NFBA to assist us with code issues, OSHA compliance and lobbying issues that impact the post frame industry.